Growing Apple Seeds
Growing little apple trees from seed is great fun. It is a great experience for kids to be able to take a seed from a fruit that they have eaten and watch it grow into a little tree.
Handprint Flower
Flowers made from the handprints of one or more children make wonderful gifts!
Paper Cup Dragon Puppet
This colorful dragon puppet by can be made from a few paper cups and tissue paper. A fantastic project for Chinese New Year
Paper Mache Dinosaur Egg
Paper Mache Dinosaur Eggs are fun to make and are a great tool for imaginary play for young kids. If you place a plastic dinosaur toy inside, kids can have fun "hatching" the dinosaur: a fun idea for a dinosaur themed party...
Pirate Hat
Little Pirates will love to make and wear these pirate hats.
Paper Plate Dinosaur
This craft from the brilliant turns a paper plate into a moving Brontosaurus!
Roller Painting
Inexpensive Mini Paint Rollers can be used to create some really eye catching paintings - and even the smallest kids will have a blast doing this easy craft project.
Stars and Stripes
Painters Tape and a sponge are used to create this very cool looking version of the US flag. Great for 4th July Celebrations
Marbled Valentine
Shaving foam and paint can be used by even the smallest artist to create beautiful marbled paper. Put that paper to good use in these gorgeous Valentines.
Sparkly Snowman
Place a battery operated candle inside these fun snowman and they will add sparkle to any winter gathering! I think I got inspiration for this project from a magazine but can't remember which!
Butterfly Footprint
These butterflies are a beautiful way to turn a child’s footprint into a work of art. They make beautiful gifts if you do them on high quality paper and frame them – or if you make them directly onto canvas boards. They also make wonderful gift cards! Or, just do them for fun – what child doesn’t love painting their feet and stomping on paper!
Melted Crayon Earth
Melted crayons provide particularly vibrant colors to images. In this activity melted blue and green crayons are used to create a picture of planet earth. This makes a great earth day project - as you can talk about caring for the earths resources by recycling. In this case using old crayon stubs to create art!
Inkblot Butterflies
These inkblot butterflies are intriguing for kids to make - simple dots of paint transform into beautiful symmetrical butterflies.
Car Track Painting
This is an activity for the smallest artists - and a particularly great activity for getting boys excited!
Crayon Leaf Rubbings
An autumn favorite - make leaves magically appear on paper!
Paper Plate Dragon (or Dinosaur)
This activity created by turns a paper plate and egg boxes into a cute dragon! You could easily adapt this to be a dinosaur instead.
Autumn Tree
This vibrant activity is a great one for a family or preschool group - participants of all ages can work together to create the leaves which an older child or adult can then cut out and put together to form a tree
Glue Ghost
These translucent ghosts make a great Halloween activity - and look great as halloween decor - either hanging on windows as sun-catchers or around the house.
Hand Print Fall Tree
This project is one of Broogly's favorite - a great hand print activity for fall laden with autumn colors. But what makes it extra special is that kids don't just get to paint their hand - they get to paint their entire arm, making this a super fun project for toddlers and preschoolers!
Jack o Lantern Bottle
I love these little Jack o Lanterns - easy to make and so cute as decorations for your Halloween table.
Paper Bag Jack o Lantern
A Paper Bag Painted Orange and stuffed with newspaper is the basis of this jack o lantern craft
Salt Resist Painting
This is one of my favorite painting activities. Sprinkle salt over wet watercolors and watch interesting and beautiful textures and patterns appear. This is truly an activity for all ages - easy enough for preschoolers - but also plenty of potential for older artists too.
String Painting
My kids had so much fun with this - dipping string into paint and then dragging across the paper creates interesting designs.
Watercolor Leaf Rubbing
These leaves are deceptively easy to create - even a preschooler can create them with minimal assistance.
Sailing Boat Collage
I created this project as a way to experiment with various paint techniques. I love the way that they turned out! This is not an activity to do in an afternoon - rather one to spread over a week or longer - each of the underlying "paintings" can be created separately in advance.
Chalk Drawings
Drawing with chalk on black construction paper produces wonderfully vibrant pictures. This is a great activity for all ages.
Chromatography Experiment
Black Ink is just black right? No! And in this experiment you can watch as the ink separates into several colors before your eyes. And not just black ink!
Bubble Wrap Corn Cobs
Printing with Bubble wrap makes patterns that look just like corn cobs - and it is so much fun.
Bubble Wrap Prints
This is such a fun activity for kids of all ages. Simply paint on bubble wrap and then press onto paper to create dotty prints....
Cotton Ball Snowmen
This activity is a favorite with preschoolers who can easily tackle the task with a little assistance; but it is also enjoyed by elementary school children as well who will have fun personalizing their snowmen.
Glitter Candy Cane
Using masking tape to resist paint creates wonderful stripes, making this an ideal technique for making candy cane pictures with small children
Handprint Christmas Wreath
A Christmas Hand Print Craft - great to display, or to give as gifts.
Heart Sun Catchers
SO MUCH FUN! Grated crayons melted on wax paper make the best sun-catchers. Cut these into hearts to create gorgeous valentines decorations (or gifts)
Marshmallow Snowmen
These cute snowmen can be put together in no time. I think these will be a winter family tradition!
Marshmallow Flowers
These Marshmallow Flowers are great as an unusual Valentines, Thank you or Mothers Day gift. Simple to make and delightful to receive
Painting with Marbles
Roll marbles through blobs of paint, or dip them in paint and roll them over paper! So easy, so fun AND produces amazing results that event the littlest artist will be proud of.
Puffy Snowmen
My kids had so much fun creating these puffy paint snowmen. The paint, puffs up as it dries.
Exploding Volcano
What could be more exciting than creating and exploding your own volcano? A craft and a science project combined!
Potato Prints
Potato prints are a classic kids project. The materials are cheap, the results are fantastic - what's not to love! At it's most simple you can just cut potatoes in half and use them as circular stamps. You can increase the fun by creating fun shapes as described below. The potatoes in the paint are wonderfully slippery making this a great sensory project too!
Watercolor Resist - Rubber Cement
When painted on watercolor paper, rubber cement will resist watercolor paints - keeping the paper underneath white. Simply rub off the cement when the paint is dry.
Watercolor Resist Christmas Trees
Very simple, very effective - create Christmas tree snow scene pictures by painting rubber cement onto watercolor paper in the shape of a Christmas Tree and painting.
Rubber Cement Valentines
Make these beautiful Valentine cards by painting hearts onto watercolor paper using rubber cement and then painting.
Elmo Faces
This is a super easy project that younger kids can do and enjoy. My son was so proud of his elmo, he wanted to keep it beside his bed
Paper Skateboards
These super cool paper skateboards will get even the most reluctant boy excited about art. They also make fantastic greetings cards for the boys in your life - simply stick them to a folded piece of card!
Scratch Art
I was so excited to try this project with my kids, I remember seeing it demonstrated on the TV when I was a kid wishing I could try it.
Chocolate Easter Nests
These chocolate nests are a breeze to make, are super cute and very yummy. The instructions will make one nest, simply multiply the ingredients by the number of nests you want to make more.
Paper Plate Snakes
This is one of those classic paper plate projects. Cut a spiral in a paper plate and there you have it - a coiling snake.
Salad Spinner Art
You can create a spin art painting using a kitchen salad spinner: and if you use washable paints, you shouldn't have any trouble continuing to use it for your salads too!
Tie Die Sharpie Eggs
Come Easter we are always looking for new and interesting ways to decorate our Easter eggs. This last Easter I came across this clever technique by "Housing a Forest" for dying eggs using sharpies and rubbing alcohol. They have some beautiful examples on their website.
Sun Prints
Sun Prints are fantastic fun. All you need is a pack of light sensitive paper and your imagination! This is a great project for young and old alike. Younger kids will be fascinated by the magic of this project. Older kids will be able to use their imaginations to create pictures from objects - and a great opportunity to talk about the science of light and photography too!
Summer Strawberry
Preschoolers will love this Summer Strawberry Project
Paper Plate Ladybug
Paper Plate projects are my favorite - here's a simple one that will really engage preschoolers.
Paper Plate Piggies
Perfect for a Farmyard Theme, or to make as a companion to reading the Three Little Pigs, these paper plate piggies are simple to make and oh so cute!
Handprint Christmas Tree
This makes a great gift or a lovely decoration that you can get out every Christmas to decorate your house. I made it on Canvas and it is a lovely memory of how tint winy my daughters hands were! She loves it when I put it up at Christmas
Homemade Sidewalk Chalk
Sidewalk Chalk is so much fun any time of year, but particularly in the summer. Making your own is super easy, way cheaper than the store bought options and kids of any age will enjoy helping out.
Popped Bubble Art
I've done this activity with my kids a few times now and it never fails to fascinate them - and me! Simply color bubble mix with food coloring and blow bubbles onto paper - as the bubbles land and pop, they create beautiful works of art. It goes without saying that this project is best done outdoors. A great one for those lazy summer afternoons.
Handprint Sun
Summery art for those tiny hands! This cheerful sun project will bring smiles to any home or classroom as children transform their hand prints into bright rays of summer light.
Paper Bag Kite
These simple kites made out of paper bags really fly! Decorate using paint, markers or stickers, then take them to park or the beach and watch them soar.
Watermelon Popsicles
A fun, refreshing and super healthy treat for the kids - watermelon popsicles! These are straightforward to make with a little patience and are guaranteed to be popular with the whole family. Make them for National Watermelon Day - celebrated on August 3rd each year.
Watermelon Slices
Preschoolers will have great fun making these "watermelon slices" from paper plates. This is a great project to do with kids for a Letter W theme, or on National Watermelon Day.
Monster Pencil Holders
These cute little monsters will keep your pencils in reach. Let your imaginations run wild to create weird and wonderful monsters of any shape and color out of air dry clay. A great project for boys to have on hand for a rainy day, as a back to school project or just as fun.
Flower Pencil Holders
These flower pencil holders made of air dry clay will brighten up the desk of any little girl. They also make great gifts for mothers day, for teacher appreciation or for Grandma's Birthday.
Upcycled Pencil Pot
A great upcycling project to tidy your office / school supplies. Take an old Oatmeal container, cut to size, cover in wrapping paper and decorate and there you have it, the perfect container to organize your pens, pencils and paintbrushes. You could make one of these for your teacher on Teacher Appreciation Day.
Hatching Dinosaur Eggs
The ultimate little dinosaur lovers activity - dinosaur egg hunts - with "real" hatching dinosaurs. Little plastic dinosaurs can be inexpensively purchased from party supply stores or online, making this not only an easy project - but a frugal one as well. Hide your eggs in a sand box, in a dinosaur nest made from shredded paper in a kiddie pool, or around the house or garden for the ultimate prehistoric egg hunt
Apple Prints
Little Kids will get a real kick out of this project - using a halved apple to make apple prints - along with leaf print leaves. It is a great craft project to welcome fall, to fill a letter A theme or for Back to School Activities. Just make sure you have extra apples so that you have some to munch on as well!
Paper Apple Trees
These standing Apple Trees made from a paper bowl and a toilet roll are a bright and cheerful fall project. Apples are a great preschool theme - they compliment units about Letter A, Apples, and Back to School!
Stars n Stripes Pinwheels
Celebrate 4th July with these celebratory homemade pinwheels.
Uncle Sam's Hat
These cheerful hats are easier to make than they look, and are a great accessory for Independence Day on July 4th, for celebrating Uncle Sam's Birthday in September or to complement an American History Unit in preschool or elementary school. They would also make great centerpieces for a celebratory table.
Apple Gift
Wrap a small jar of honey in red tissue paper, secure with twine, and add green leaves as gift tags and you have a wonderful gift. This is especially super for Teacher Appreciation and for the holiday of Rosh HaShanah. During this Jewish New Year holiday it is traditional to eat apple slices dipped in honey as a symbol of the desire for a sweet new year. It is traditional to give apples to teachers as gifts (a tradition dating back to the time when the community was often responsible for housing and feeding the teacher). You could replace the Honey with preserves.
Blown Bubble Prints
What child with a drink and a straw doesn't love blowing bubbles? Not exactly behavior that we're generally encouraging (it doesn't exactly go down well at the dinner table). Which is why toddlers and preschoolers will love this activity: using straws to blow LOTS of bubbles in soapy water colored with food coloring - and then making art by placing paper on top of the bubbles.
Cotton Bud Skeleton
These skeletons have tons of character and you'll have great fun figuring out how to pose those bones! A great Halloween craft, and also a great way to explore the structure of the human body, this activity is suitable for children who are a little older (age 6/7 and above) as it is a little fiddly.
Floating Tissue Ghost
Wooooo. These Ghosts are so much fun to make for Halloween. They make a great Halloween craft for elementary school age children. And they also make wonderful decorations for a Halloween party or event.
Frankenstein Monster Mask
These fun and not so scary Frankenstein Monster masks will provide much fun at Halloween, as a craft, a homemade costume or as a centerpiece on a Halloween table. Elementary age children should be able to complete most of this project on their own without much assistance.
Sparkly Spider Web
These amazing sparkly Spider's Webs are deceptively easy to create. White glue is used to create a spider web shape on watercolor paper. Once dry, watercolor paint is then brushed over. The glue will resist the paint so that the web shape stands out from the painted background. The addition of glitter gives the web that glittery effect reminiscent of an early dew covered morning. A simple glittery eyed spider finishes the effect.
Moon Paintings
One of our favorite activities is using salt to create texture on watercolor paintings. In this activity Salt and Glue are used to turn a simple watercolor painting into the surface of the moon! Leave as is for a great Space themed project or add some black card silhouettes and you have a spooky Halloween picture.
Pumpkin Bowl Picture
These pumpkins have handprint leaves - a fantastic Halloween or Thanksgiving project to do at home with your preschooler or in a preschool classroom. It incorporates both sensory and fine motor elements: making hand prints, scrunching up paper bags, and cutting and gluing yarn.
Handprint Spiders
A perfect Halloween project for the Preschooler or Toddler: easy, quick and oh so cute.
Cute Lion
My kids loved creating these cute lions. Not only are they easy to create, but they look super cute too. Great for that rainy day at home, or to complement a Jungle or Letter L theme at preschool.
Once finished these lemons feel (to touch) remarkably like real lemons, which is cool! And also makes this a great sensory project for preschoolers: touch (texture), sight (vibrant yellow colors) and taste - because it is just wrong not to accompany this activity with either a wedge of lemon to explore or a small glass of lemonade!
Mosaic Lizard
These bright lizard pictures look great pinned on the kitchen fridge. And they are so straightforward to produce that with a little preparation toddlers and preschoolers will have no trouble with this activity. A great project for a "Letter L" theme in the classroom - or a quick and easy activity to entertain your little artist.
Tissue Paper Painted Fall Leaves
Toddlers and Preschoolers will love this autumn project. Simply pile small pieces of torn tissue paper onto a sheet of paper and spray with water. The colors from the tissue paper will bleed onto the paper and will merge, mingle and blend to make beautiful subtle patterns. Using fall colored tissue paper (reds oranges and yellows) and cutting out the finished art work into leaf shapes makes beautiful fall leaves. Mount the leaves onto a paper branch for a beautiful fall picture.
Acorn Cinnamon Sun Catchers
These Suncatchers bring the best of fall to your room - they look pretty and the cinnamon used in the project makes your house smell great too! A perfect project to do with toddlers or preschoolers who will enjoy sprinkling the cinnamon.
Froggy Puppets
These frog's don't just look good, they "ribbit"! My 3 and 6 year olds both loved these frog puppets. The wonderful thing about them is although adult help will be required to build the puppets, smaller children will enjoy painting the plates and creating the egg cup eyes and will be so proud of their finished froggies.
Paper Mache Ghost
Spooky ghosts made out of paper mache clay. You can make them whatever size you like - small individual ones, or one large one to hang on the wall. Truly one to have fun with whatever your age; suitable for the smallest kids to the tallest Halloween monsters!
Sparkling Bonfire / Campfire Picture
There's nothing like gathering round a nice roaring fire, whether that be at the end of a day's camping or as part of Bonfire Night Celebrations (in the UK) on the 5th November. This cute fire picture allows you to safely bring some of the fun inside.
Glittery Leaves
If it's damp and wet outside, don't fear, you can make your own amazing autumn leaves by painting brown paper bags. We sponge painted with several colors of metallic tempura paint and added veins made out of glitter for a beautiful shining look. Older children will enjoy creating their own color designs, and leaf shapes but don't overlook this project for the preschoolers. Younger kids will have great success sponge painting - and once 4/5 can even attempt to cut out the leaves themselves. They'll just need some help creating the veins.
Cheerful Fall Tree
Creating your own fall tree can be super fun - and although this one looks time consuming it's really easy to put together. What's more, all the members of your family can take part making the leaves. This would be a great group project in a preschool or kindergarten classroom as you could create a class tree with leaves from each child. The leaves can be as small or large as you like - and so can the tree!
Thanksgiving Turkey Greetings Card
These bright and cheerful turkeys are a great way to send Thanksgiving Greetings to friends and families. As a bonus, they will also keep your kids busy for a bit as they create the body by threading circles of tissue paper.
Festive Bell
A pretty Christmas bell that can be used to decorate the house or as a Christmas card or just for fun
Simple Christmas wreath
A very simple Christmas decoration that younger kids can do quickly and easily. There are lots of options for decorating these - sequins and spangles, painted pasta shapes, glitter glue, buttons to name a few.
Canvas wall picture 3D bufferflies and flowers
This makes a lovely picture for the wall. I wanted a project that my daughter and I could do together and keep. Would also make a great project to do for Mothers Day, or as a gift for Grandma.
White crayon surprise picture
This is great for pre-school kids and is so quick and easy
Reindeer Foot / Hand Print
ADORABLE Foot and Hand Print project that makes a great Christmas Keepsake - or cute Christmas Cards for Family members. You could do this with baby hand and foot prints. And toddlers and preschoolers will have a blast watching the reindeer faces emerge from their prints.
Sparkly Christmas Tree
I was so excited by the results of this festive holiday project. It's simple to do, but engaging for kids of any age - and the results are so pretty. You can make the finished trees into pictures - or turn them into special, one of a kind greetings cards.
Hanukkah Menorah
Younger children will be able to make and "light" this menorah all by themselves this Hanukkah! A fantastic project for preschool age children.
Glowing Christmas Trees
Made from just glue and tissue paper, these Christmas Trees will sparkle and glow when you place an LED tealight inside. They make wonderful centerpieces for a Christmas Table. (NOTE: Do not use a real flame under these trees, use battery operated LED tealights only)
Painting in the Rain
This project is the perfect way to brighten up a grey and gloomy rainy day by using the rain itself to create beautiful artwork. What better excuse to don those raincoats and rainboots and combine making art with some puddle stomping! No rain? Just use a watering can with a fine nozzle, or a spray water bottle to create the same effect.
Mondrian by Kids
These incredibly simple paintings in the style of Dutch Painter Piet Mondrian are a great way to get kids involved in learning about abstract art and the beauty of simple geometric images. The creation of the series of squares and rectangles is surprisingly satisfying and the creative process very rewarding. This project is ideal for elementary age kids and even older preschoolers can easily have a go. Older children may prefer to create their black outlines using rulers and black pen. That way the width of the lines can be varied.
Watercolor Flowers
These are SO SIMPLE to make and yet they look fantastic. It's worth doing a few and keeping them on hand as they are really useful to make gift tags and birthday cards. Or combine several to make a collage or a spring wreath. Preschoolers will have fun doing this project and older kids (and adults) will enjoy creating more complex designs.
Gelatin Printing Adventure
This project is seriously addictive! The process is extremely fun and interactive. And the results are amazing. In other words this is a great introduction to print making for kids - and one that even smaller kids can do and enjoy. First, you make a gelatin plate. This is quite straightforward and basically involves creating a slab of firm gelatin: a process that is fun for older kids to help with. then you have fun applying paint to the plate, and using everyday objects as brushes and stencils to ensure that when you place the paper over the top of the plate to make print, you get fantastic results. Note: don't be put off by the wordy instructions - the procedure is actually very quick and easy once you get the hang of it!