Acorn Cinnamon Sun Catchers
These Suncatchers bring the best of fall to your room - they look pretty and the cinnamon used in the project makes your house smell great too! A perfect project to do with toddlers or preschoolers who will enjoy sprinkling the cinnamon.

Project Info
Difficulty | Easy |
Duration | Under 15 minutes |
Age | Any |
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- Black Card
- Brown Paint (e.g. tempura)
- Cinnamon
- Contact Paper
- White Card
- Adult Preparation: Draw an acorn shape (acorn plus acorn cup) onto white card.
- Adult Preparation: Cut out the acorn. Now cut off the acorn cup.
- Adult Preparation: Trace around the acorn shape on the black card, making sure to leave space to add the cup on top later.
- Adult Preparation: You now want to cut out a hole in the black card that corresponds to the shape of the acorn shape that you have just traced - by cutting along the traced lines.
- Adult Preparation: Cut out a square of contact paper that is about 1 inch larger than the acorn shape that you have just cut.
- Adult Preparation: Remove the backing from the contact paper and place sticky side up on the table. Now place the black card on top of the contact paper. In this step you want to ensure that the entire "acorn hole" is covered with the contact paper.
- Sprinkle cinnamon on top of the exposed contact paper.
- Using a sponge, cover the white card acorn cup in brown paint. Leave to dry
- ONce dry, stick the acorn cup on the black card on top of the acorn.
- Hang in your window and enjoy!
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