Glittery Leaves
If it's damp and wet outside, don't fear, you can make your own amazing autumn leaves by painting brown paper bags. We sponge painted with several colors of metallic tempura paint and added veins made out of glitter for a beautiful shining look. Older children will enjoy creating their own color designs, and leaf shapes but don't overlook this project for the preschoolers. Younger kids will have great success sponge painting - and once 4/5 can even attempt to cut out the leaves themselves. They'll just need some help creating the veins.

Project Info
Difficulty | Slightly challenging |
Duration | 15-30 minutes |
Age | 3+ |
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- Brown Paper Lunch or Grocery Bag
- Glitter
- Green, Yellow, Red and / or Orange Paint (Metallic Tempura Paint works really well)
- Sponges
- White School Glue (e.g. Elmers)
- Cut out a strip of brown paper bag.
- Sponge paint the paper bag. You can use just one color - or experiment with using a mix of fall colors.
- Once dry, trace leaf shapes to the back of the painted bag, and cut out.
- Create veins on the leaf by squirting or painting on glue. Then sprinkle glitter all over the glue. Shake off the glitter and allow to dry
- If desired mount onto card.
- You could also apply the paint using fingers (i.e. finger painting) if preferred.
- If you are not confident about drawing your own leaf shapes, you can find lots of templates on the internet. Simply do a google image search for leaf template, print your preferred one and trace the shape onto the bag.
- You could make napkin rings from these leaves - by adding one or two leaves to a sliced toilet roll (or if you prefer to rolled strips of card).
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