About Broogly
If we were going to use just two words to sum up Broogly, they would be: Sharing Inspiration.
Inspiration for what?
Well, whatever project you and your kids might want to do! That might be creating works of art, dabbling in science experiments, exploring nature or making music. You might be trying to fill a rainy day, or relieve the boredom of a long summer break, complete a school project, or create a gift or card for someone special or for a holiday or event. Or you might simply want to do something fun with your kids.
Here at Broogly, we love doing all those things. But we don’t always know WHAT to do and don’t have the time to trawl the web or library for ideas. Often we think we know what we want to do but don’t know HOW to do it. And worst of all, we all too often embark on projects we THINK will be fun but which end in disaster because we used the wrong sort of glue, or because the 2 year old lost patience and threw a paint splattering tantrum or because the paper wasn’t thick enough and the artwork disintegrated before it was finished etc. etc. etc.
So we figured it would be super cool to create an online community where ANYONE could share ideas for great projects or contribute reviews and helpful tips to help others attempting those projects. And we wanted to do that in a way that was fun and very easy to use.
We’re very excited about all the fantastic projects and useful advice that is already on Broogly.com and are looking forward to growing the site to include much more inspiration. We hope that you enjoy it as much as we do.
Remember, we love to hear from our users: if you have any questions about Broogly.com or have any ideas or requests for projects etc, please contact us.