Froggy Puppets
These frog's don't just look good, they "ribbit"! My 3 and 6 year olds both loved these frog puppets. The wonderful thing about them is although adult help will be required to build the puppets, smaller children will enjoy painting the plates and creating the egg cup eyes and will be so proud of their finished froggies.

Project Info
Difficulty | Easy |
Duration | 15-30 minutes |
Age | 3+ |
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- 2 paper plates
- Black Marker Pen
- Glue (Ideally hot glue)
- Paint (Green, White and Black)
- Red paper
- egg box
- ADULTS: Cut a slit in one of the plates along the fold line extending between the inside edges of each of the rims of the plate.
- Paint one of the undersides of the cut plate green
- Cut out 2 of the egg cups from the egg box. Paint the outside edges of these with white paint. Paint the base with black paint.
- Once dry, fold the painted plate in half, being sure to have the painted side of the plate on the outside of the fold.
- You now need to glue the painted plate on top of the unpainted plate. First fold the unpainted plate in half. Then, put glue around one half of the underside of the rim (only) of the unpainted plate. Carefully press the painted plate on top. Now, place glue around the other half of the rim (only) of the inner plate, and fold the outer plate on top, making sure to align the edges as best you can. There will likely be a small overlap at the edges of the plates that you will not be able to avoid due to the fold in the plates.
- Glue the egg cups to the folded edge of the plate to form eyes.
- Cut a strip of red paper about 11" long about 1/2" wide. Roll this strip into a tight coil and then release. The paper will form a loose coil - this is the frog's lounge - glue inside the frog's mouth
- Using the black marker, put 2 dots just inside the outer rim of the plate opposite the eyes - these are the frog's nostrils.
- Your child can place his fingers inside the slit that you created in the outermost plate to open and close the puppet's mouth.
- There's not space for big hands in these puppets! If you make a 2 cm cut at 90 degrees at each end of the slit, it will be easier for the children to put their hand in the puppet (4 fingers on top and the thumb underneath) and control the opening and closing of the frog's mouth.
- This is a wonderful craft to accompany learning of the song "three green and speckled frogs". Just add yellow speckles to your frogs.
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